• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    Inconsistent as it may be, the doors of the shed are once more open. Lying in wait for our heroes is Flashpoint Paradox, talk of what-if Injustice DLC and how the time was spent between episodes.

    Filed in]:Super ToolShed)

    To celebrate Billboard’s Hot 100’s 55th birthday, Sage is counting down the twenty worst (and best) songs to ever reach number one.

    Filed in]:Sage Specials)

    A Wind Named Pretentious is more like it…

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    Citizen of Bennettopia, you have done well this weekend. Many orders were placed, lives were saved.

    Filed in]:News)

    After a bit of time off, we crack open the shed only to find special guest Lachlan Huddy (of Bad Call TV) to discuss the awesomeness that is Pacific Rim.

    Filed in]:Super ToolShed)

    Only in the 90’s can an anime hate its fellow man like Devilman.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    A film that pisses on the legacy of a hero you’ve never even heard of.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)