• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    Sage looks at Kite’s spiritual, and definitely superior, successor.

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    Anime Abandon: Kite

     Aug 23 2012 | Comments  5 

    Yeah, I’m not sure what the title is supposed to mean either.

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    The Spoony One joins Sage as they review another Korean schlock-fest whether he likes it or not.

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    Linkara joins Bennett to take on the ridiculous, and laughably awful Dracula: Sovereign of the Damned.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    Its Bennett The Sage’s favorite anime film of all time. Must be pretty good, then.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    Gaudy, saccharine sweet, bull crap? Yup, its got to be Love Hina.

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    An anime classic that is one scene short of a masterpiece.

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