• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    Dolemite Review

     Aug 24 2012 | Comments  3 

    Filed in]:Sage Specials)

    Cutscene TV: MGS4

     Aug 24 2012 | Comments  1 

    Filed in]:Sage Specials)

    Anime Abandon: X

     Aug 23 2012 | Comments  21 

    Its not the worst anime film I’ve reviewed, but it is one of the most infuriating.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    In which we discover that Mephisto isn’t such a bad guy after all.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    More vampires?! Are they trying to kill me?!

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    The third and (thankfully) final part to Sage’s three part review.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    Are you ready to chop some demons?!

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)