• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    A naval drama more schmaltzy than Titanic? No, but close.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    At times hysterical, but most times embarrassing.

    Filed in]:Anime Abandon)

    The month finishes off with a commentary on an anime that STILL has The Sage reeling.

    Filed in]:Nuts & Bolts)

    Yup, there’s still left to be said about Inuyasha, and Sage and The Engineer won’t leave any stone unturned.

    Filed in]:Nuts & Bolts)

    While Sage is laid up to a case of blown bone-itis, Karl “Uncle Yo” Custer comes in to wipe his shiny tie across Sage’s furrowed brow, and to talk about the new Ghostbusters. Trust. It’s not what you think.

    Filed in]:Super ToolShed)

    Sage is taking a month off from his usual duties of making Anime Abandon, so here’s a commentary about the making of the MD Geist review.

    Filed in]:Nuts & Bolts)

    March 2015 Update

     Mar 5 2015 | Comments  43 

    Due to medical reasons, Anime Abandon will be delayed until April. I appreciate your patience and continued viewing, and regular updates will resume April 14th.

    Filed in]:News)