• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    Schlock… pure schlock. And Sage loves it to bits.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    Sage vs. Logan

     Mar 5 2017 | Comments  0 

    I keep pitching this team-up to Marvel, but they won’t accept my calls.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    Sage vs. Get Out

     Feb 26 2017 | Comments  3 

    Oh dear…

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    Gore Verbinski certainly lives up to his name…

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    The best Batman movie since The Dark Knight… kind of sad, really.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    A bloody, brawling, bruising good time.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    My inner goddess is telling me I might as well be watching paint dry.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)