• Anime Abandon

    Super ToolShed

    SAGE VS.


    Sage vs. John Wick

     Oct 25 2014 | Comments  7 

    The most surprisingly good movie of the year. Just watch out if you have a thing for dogs…

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    The first split in Sage VS. history! Sage hated it, but Gabe REALLY hated it.

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    Funny… thought we heard this story before.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    Sage vs. Gone Girl

     Oct 6 2014 | Comments  3 

    With Gabe out, and Gav in, the guys check out Fincher’s latest, and find out why you can never trust your spouse again.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    Sage vs. The Equalizer

     Sep 28 2014 | Comments  5 

    After an extended hiatus, Sage is back with Gabe and watching some movies. Oh, how Hollywood welcomed them back…

    Filed in]:Sage VS)

    So below expectations, it doesn’t even deserve a more clever subtitle than this.

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    Sage has his own Sin City moment towards the end, dealing with a junkie’s stash.

    Filed in]:Sage VS)